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Getting married on the plane after getting a proposal!

The Dhaka Times Desk In our society there is a rule that marriage proposal comes in family and then courtship happens. Then the date is fixed for marriage. But this time an exceptional marriage is in the plane! The proposal was made on the plane and the marriage was completed on the plane.

Air flight is proposing marriage

A truly unique wedding! Choices and offers after boarding the plane in the sky. Then the wedding ceremony again in the plane! Such a thing has never been heard before. But the other passengers on the plane are also very happy. Because they witnessed such a wonderful moment.

This is the case. A young woman named Nathalie H. He left Vienna for a vacation in Athens, Greece. At that time, suddenly some people on the plane started singing the song 'Marry You' by Bruno Mars.

Nathalie thought at first that someone might be making love to the person of their heart like this. But he may not have imagined that he is the person of his mind. Suddenly she turns her eyes and sees her boyfriend Jürgen Bogner singing the song.

Naturally, Nathalie could not hold back the tears. Jürgen then got down on one knee and proposed to Nathalie in movie style. Thus begins the story of marriage on a plane. Then came the wedding dress, two rings, a violinist and the quick ceremony was also organized in the moving plane.

This is not the end of the story; Several relatives of both families hid themselves in the back seat of the plane. Later he came forward and performed the wedding ceremony. Nathalie was greeted by her father with a bouquet of flowers. Nathalie was overwhelmed with emotion at Akash's sudden wedding ceremony.

'Every girl waits for this day in her life,' Nathalie wrote on Instagram. I never thought that the day would come in my life like this. I really don't know what words to express my feelings.'

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