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Narendra Modi's order: Punishment for cattle abuse in India

The Dhaka Times Desk India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi has ordered strict action against anyone who oversteps or takes the law into their hands in the name of cow protection.

India punished excesses of cattle

A letter has been sent to the state government from the central home ministry of the country on Tuesday in this regard.

Earlier Narendra Modi had said that those who open shops in the name of cow protection will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Strict action will be taken against those who commit atrocities in the name of cow protection as anti-social.

The central government of the country has instructed the state government in this regard within 48 hours of Narendra Modi's directive.

It is mentioned in that letter, Mahatma Gandhi, the father of the Indian nation, 'Goraksha' did not only mean saving the cow, but also meant saving the helpless and weak. The letter also said that cow has a special status in Indian culture. It is not right to take the law into your hands and beat someone on the pretext of endangering 'Gomata'.

Recently in some parts of India there have been incidents of law being taken in the name of cow protection. Experts believe that these incidents have humiliated India in the world.

The letter given to the state government also said that if anyone takes the law into their hands in the name of cow protection, the culprit should be punished according to the law. The rule of law should be well established with severe punishment for those who take the law into their hands without discrimination of caste and religion.

It is to be noted that the letter also mentions that it will be considered as a crime in the states of India where killing of cows is prohibited.

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