The Dhaka Times
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33,330 feet from the plane but alive!

The Dhaka Times Desk It is natural that anyone would be surprised to hear such a news. But the story is true. A person survived a plane crash from a height of 33,330 feet!

33.330 feet fall

That incident of January 26, 1972. In a terrible plane crash that day, a Donnell Douglas DC-9-32 crashed at 33,330 feet and went down. 27 people on the plane died in that accident. But the only survivor is a man named Vulovich!

Survivor Vesna Vulovic of Serbia served 23 years as a flight attendant. Another young woman was on duty aboard the Donnell Douglas D C-9-32 that day. Whose name was also completely similar to Vesna's name - 'Vesna'. But by mistake, Vesna Vulovich joined the work on that plane.

But by joining the work, an unforgettable event happened in the life of Vesna Vulovich.

Bruno Henke rescues Vesna Vulovic after falling 33,330 feet from the sky.

Bruno Heinke said, 'Vulovic was right in the middle of the crashed plane. Just above the wing. His body was right under another body. He was rescued in such a condition.'

He spent 16 months in the hospital after being rescued. He was in a coma for 27 days. He gradually recovered from the almost life-death situation.

Vulovich rejoined the airline after his recovery. At first he worked at the desk for some time. Then Vulovich started flying again. He said, he likes to fly!

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