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From now on smartphone apps can recognize fake money!

The Dhaka Times Desk It is very difficult to recognize fake money. It is difficult to understand when fake money enters into shopping or bank transactions. But from now on smartphone apps can recognize fake money!

recognize counterfeit money

Identifying real money is quite difficult. Due to which we have to face various problems in the transaction starting from shopping. Although Bangladesh Bank informs various ways to identify fake money, fraud gangs also work with these issues in mind. Therefore, if not very skilled, it becomes a liability for ordinary people to recognize fake money.

Eid is ahead. And when Eid comes, the fraud cycle becomes more active. Because there are many transactions for Eid. During this period, the effect of fake money is seen a little more in the market. So to avoid such unpleasant incidents, know how to understand which is real and which is fake money. That's why you can use Counterfeit Money Detector app on your smartphone.

This app has all the features of real money with images. From which you can easily understand the difference between fake money and real money. Because of that, if someone gives fake money, it will be caught in the app very easily. Moreover, it is not too complicated. To use this app, your smartphone should be version 2.3 or above. The app Google Play You can download it. The app is also very small in size, just 4.1 MB.

How to Check Fake Money:

After launching the app, a button will appear. Turn on the mobile camera by clicking on that button. Lay the suspect money flat and take a complete picture of it.

Then you will find an icon on the right side, click on it. Then the money will be scanned. After that you don't have to do anything, the app will tell you whether the money is real or fake.

But care should be taken so that the full portion of the money comes correctly at the time of taking the picture. Because if the picture is not complete, the original money will also appear fake. So when photographing, be as close as possible and always photograph the entire portion of the buck. Thus recognize real money through this app.

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