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The secret bunker of the British era was found under the palace!

The Dhaka Times Desk The British dominated many countries of the world. But the British left long ago. But this time, the secret bunker of the British era was found under the palace!


A British achievement has been found in Maharashtra, India. The Governor of Maharashtra himself discovered a 150 meter long bunker under the Raj Bhavan there.

Governor Vidyasagar Rao had heard about this bunker three months ago from old Raj Bhavan employees. This Malabar Hill was once the main holiday destination of the British Governors. British gentleman-Subora used to choose this area to spend summer holidays in the country of summer. Later Lord Ray also started living here. That is why the present Governor of Maharashtra ordered to inquire about the existence of bunker under the Raj Bhavan.

Finally, after many decades, the doors of this bunker opened. The entrance to this secret bunker was blocked by a wall. When it was broken, another world was found inside!

At first it was thought that there was a tunnel here. But not that, the barracks were under the Raj Bhavan. There are total 13 rooms in this bunker. This bunker covers an area of about 5 thousand square feet with separate rooms for keeping guns, cartridges etc. The bunker, which is three meters wide and 12 feet high, has rooms for storing weapons as well as busses of people.

It is known that no one has opened its doors since independence. This huge door was opened after about seventy years. But everyone was surprised. Because there is no damage in the bunker even after so many decades. It is as it seems. The bunker also has a drainage system. There is even a light and air play system here! The Governor himself visited this bunker. His wish is to preserve this bunker for the future.

The governor also spoke to experts to find out the history of the bunker. He also wants to inform the President about this secret bunker. He told the media that he will do everything to save it.

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