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What kind of marriage proposal?

The Dhaka Times Desk Have you ever seen such a terrible marriage proposal? How terrible will the question come? That's right. Today we will know about such an exceptional marriage proposal.

What kind of marriage is this

This is exactly how the incident came across in the media. The incident is like this, 3 policemen are standing down from the car on the deserted road. Suddenly he stopped a private car passing by them. Then hurriedly pulled out his girlfriend sitting in the driver's seat in a police style!

He not only took it out, but threw it on the road and strangled it. Then he grabbed the neck and dragged him to the very back of the police car. And there is a young man kneeling with a diamond ring waiting, that young man is none other than the woman's lover Vlad Lungu!

What kind of marriage is this-2

It took Alexandra a few moments to get over her panic after realizing that her boyfriend, Vlad, had come up with such a bizarre plan to propose. But even after realizing this, tears were welling up in his eyes.

After a few seconds of bursting into laughter, Vlad asked, will you marry me? Alexandra nodded and calmly replied with a 'yes'. It really seems like the world's most terrifying marriage proposal!

This strange marriage proposal that took place in Brasov, central Romania, was headlined by Britain's Daily Mail as the scariest marriage proposal!

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