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Facebook brought a new app for teenagers!

The Dhaka Times Desk The popular social media giant Facebook has brought a new app for teenagers.

brings new Facebook App

It is known that only iPhone users can use this app called Lifestage. However, many have claimed that this app looks like the old version of Facebook. But this app has more emphasis on videos.

Facebook said in a blog post about the features of this app, this app is basically a kind of video diary. Users can ask and answer various biographical questions within a specific group. A user must be 21 years or younger to use this app. However, Facebook did not say anything in detail about how the user will be removed if someone turns 22 years old. However, video can be used instead of text in creating a bio.

It also has Like, Dislike, Best Friends option. Any video can be recorded and 'added' back to the profile. This app is specially designed for high school students. Students of that school can view each other's profiles if at least 20 users select a school. This is how Facebook was born!

It is known that this app was born by the 19-year-old product manager of Facebook, Michael Seman. He started 'coding' at the age of 13, creating a photo app called 4Snaps. Seaman has developed this new app for the last two years with only three engineers and one designer. School students can create video profiles with the help of this app. Much like a scrapbook. Friends from the same school will be added within a group.

Experts believe that this is how Facebook was born one day. Now the popular social media giant Facebook wants to be indispensable to the new generation by clinging to the principles of birth. However, if a user wants to join a school group other than his own school, then nothing has been said about how it can be blocked in that Facebook blog post.

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