The Dhaka Times
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The child that shocked the world!

The Dhaka Times Desk This bloodied child named Omran was rescued from inside a destroyed building in Aleppo. He has now become a wonder child to the world!


A bloodied face, covered in dust, this frightened child sits in an ambulance seat. He slapped his hand on his face and was shocked to see blood.

The video and photo taken after the rescue of this child who survived an airstrike in Syria shocked the whole world.

This child was rescued from a destroyed building after an airstrike in Aleppo recently. Then the Syrian rebels published his video and pictures.

Omran Daknish, a 5-year-old boy, is being treated for head injuries. However, what happened to the family members of this child is not yet known.

A rebel media center said the child was found bleeding after a Russian airstrike on a building in the Koterji district of rebel-held Aleppo. This picture of the child was taken at that time. 3 people were killed and 12 injured in that attack that day.

In the video of the child, it can be seen that the child is being rescued from a collapsed building. After that, the baby covered in blood and dust is placed in the seat of an ambulance.

Child Omran Daknish sees blood on his hands. Then the child sits quietly for a while. Then he slapped his hand on his face and was shocked to see blood on his hand. Then Dakrish tried to wipe the blood on the ambulance seat.

The child was admitted to a local hospital, a doctor named Osamab Abu al-Izza told the AP news agency. However, there was no major injury on his head. The child was later released from the hospital.

A member of the opposition Syrian National Council commented, "This picture proves the horrors that exist in Syria."

Fighting has been ongoing in Aleppo between Syrian rebels and government forces for the past few weeks. Hundreds of people have been killed in the violence so far.

It should be noted that the child Alan Kurdi drowned in the sea while trying to go to Europe from Syria. The picture of Alan Kurdi lying on the shore of Turkey shocked the world. This film also shook the conscience of the world. References:

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