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Australian Prime Minister was criticized for begging!

The Dhaka Times Desk He gave to the beggar. Donors must not be bad, he thought. However, Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has come under severe criticism for begging a beggar.

Australian Prime Minister & begging

Malcolm Turnbull shook hands with a beggar on the streets of Melbourne on his way to an important economic meeting last Thursday. He later gave him 5 Australian dollars in his coffee cup.

After the release of this picture, social media has started criticizing the Prime Minister. Turnbull's $5 tip is seen by many as miserliness. The Australian edition of the Daily Mail described him as a 'miserable person'!

Again, someone is criticizing the prime minister's begging. Lord Mayor of Melbourne Robert Dowell said begging made beggars more likely to take drugs and exacerbated poverty. He advised Turnbull to donate to voluntary organizations instead of begging.

Again, someone also said that the Prime Minister has gone to show this generosity because of the camera!

But many also supported Turnbull. You're seeing someone who can give more, wrote one person on Twitter. I see one who gives.

The following day (Friday), he expressed regret over the incident, saying it was a humanitarian response to a local radio station due to criticism of the begging. But I am sorry if anyone is disappointed by this.

It should be noted that Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has come under criticism on many issues after coming back to power through a hotly contested election last July.

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