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Know the rules for installing Android 7.0 Nougat on smartphones

The Dhaka Times Desk The new version of Android operating system Nougat 7.0 can be installed on the smartphone. Learn how to install it today.

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This operating system has been released on certain Nexus devices i.e. Nexus 6, 5X, 6P, 9, Player, Pixel C and regular 4G mobiles (Android One).

Google released Android 7.0 Nougat operating system on Nexus devices. However, Google said the process will gradually roll out to all devices.

However, Google has not yet announced when the operating system will be released in different regions. However, users can easily install the operating system on Nexus devices without waiting for the public version of Nougat. In this case the user does not need to root the device. Can be switched back to the final consumer version of the operating system.

To install:

# must first go to Google's Android Beta Program website from a Nexus smartphone or Pixel tablet. This version can only be installed on the specified devices.

# For this you need to sign in Google account from the device.

# then click on 'Your Eligible Devices' button. Now find your device and press the 'Enroll Devices' button.

You will get an OTA update immediately after this process is completed. After downloading it you can enjoy Android 7.0 Nougat operating system. But using the beta version will also give you access to future releases.

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