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Israel wants to win Trump!

The Dhaka Times Desk The US presidential election is about three months away. However, Donald Trump is not at an advantage. But now the news has come out, Israel is desperate to win Trump.


Charidek news shows that Donald Trump is gradually collapsing in national opinion polls. Even in swing states like Virginia, Ohio and Pennsylvania, Trump's position is at stake.

However, Trump supporters are still not hopeless. They are hoping for a green signal from a place 5 thousand kilometers away from the United States!

Republicans hope conservatives will be able to win the votes of swing voters in those far-fetched gestures toward building the country's future. For that, the American-Israeli Republicans gave a big showdown in Modin area of central Israel.
They flew red, white and blue balloons matching the logo with the slogan 'Trump's Make America Great Again'.

Mark Zill, head of the Republicans in Israel Diaspora, said, "During the administration of the current President Barack Obama, the entire Middle East is on fire. Israel-US relations have also hit rock bottom. Our main goal is to rekindle the US-Israeli relationship.'

According to CNN, in 2015, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave an anti-Obama speech to the US Congress opposing the Iran-US nuclear deal. At the time, he called on members of parliament to prevent Obama from executing the deal.

Florida voter Deborah Griffey thinks that Donald Trump will take advantage of this incident. He said, 'Barack Obama has not maintained friendly relations with Israel. In this case, Israel can turn to Trump for their own interests!

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