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That is why ATM slips should not be discarded

The Dhaka Times Desk Many of us throw away the slip after withdrawing money from the ATM. Do not forget this task from now on.

ATM slip and Collection

Because it can make your problem worse. Find out how the problem will escalate.

This slip is proof of transaction:

Withdrawing money from the bank is a transaction. If you are dealing in cash, why not keep the evidence? Keep this simple fact in mind, keeping proof of any type of transaction is very important. If there is any problem, the bank will first ask for your transaction statement. That's why this slip is so valuable.

If money is stolen:

Assume that your account has somehow been withdrawn or stolen. How do you understand? You will know if you go to the bank and search. But if you have the slip in your hand, then you can easily know how much your account balance was and how much it is currently. When money is withdrawn from the account, the mobile receives a message. But you should have the slip in hand. Why, this slip may come in handy in the next step.

Cybercrime can be prevented by:

Hackers are known to monitor ATMs. Hackers can wipe your account by extracting codes from ATM slips. That's why don't throw away the slip and keep it in a safe place when you come home.

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