The Dhaka Times
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'Dead, but alive again': Zimbabwean President Mugabe

The Dhaka Times Desk Rumors of the death of Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe, the world's oldest president, have swirled in his absence. After finishing his personal work, he said at the airport, 'Despite my death, I have come back to life'.


Mugabe joked about rumors of his death, saying, 'I died, I came back.'

Mugabe, 92, also said he had gone to Dubai for family reasons. Last May, Mugabe's wife Grace said, 'Robert Mugabe will rule the country from his grave, if necessary.'

According to the flight information records, the plane was heading to East Asia. However, if the plane went to Dubai instead, there were many speculations. Rumors spread that he had fallen seriously ill and had gone to Dubai for treatment. Even the news spread that he had died. An article published on the Sardar Daily website reads, 'Robert Mugabe has suffered a stroke. And so Mnangagwa became the interim president of Zimbabwe.

Currently the country's Vice-President is Emmerson Mnangagwa. After landing at Harare airport, Zimbabwean President Mugabe told reporters in the local language, "I went to Dubai for family reasons regarding one of my children."

Note that President Mugabe has been in power in Zimbabwe since 1980. He said, he will remain in power till 2018.

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