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Dinosaur T-Rex's strange passport story!

The Dhaka Times Desk It was found that a passenger of the plane weighs 6 thousand kilograms, and is 66 million years old, 13 meters long! How is that possible? Possible, because it was a passport of a dinosaur!

T-rex passport dainasora strange story

After hearing such words, many people are thinking, can there be such a monster passenger on the plane? But many are surprised to hear the name of the dinosaur. The name of this dinosaur is Tyrannosaurus Rex. Which is called T-Rex for short.

We know that these dinosaurs once roamed the earth. A passport was recently issued in the name of that T-Rex skeleton! But it was not done jokingly, the T-Rex skeleton traveled from America to the Netherlands on the basis of that passport!

According to the news published in the media, this T-Rex skeleton was found in Montana, America in 2013.

According to experts, this is the best preserved dinosaur skeleton ever found in the world. Because eighty percent of the bones of this female dinosaur were found in perfect condition. The skeleton itself has been taken to a museum in Leiden, Netherlands.

And so the government of the Netherlands created a passport for the T-Rex skeleton to take the dinosaur skeleton by plane! Then T-Rex took off in a box with 250 passengers.

But why not given a picture of the skeleton? The argument is that either the skeleton is going, so just the picture of the skull cannot be given in the passport, it is not suitable. That's why a lifelike face of a real T-Rex is superimposed on the passport! But the passport must be signed again! And so the owner's signature on the passport has a picture of a T-Rex claw!

This passport was issued on August 23, according to the news, citing sources. This passport will be valid for next 10 years. The reason is, if the need to travel abroad again!

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