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Obama Says: 'Trump Is Not Fit To Be President'

The Dhaka Times Desk The outgoing President of the United States of America, Baram Obama, said that Donald Trump, the candidate of the Republican party in the country's upcoming elections, is 'not fit to be the president' of the United States.


The outgoing US president made the comments shortly after Republican candidate Donald Trump criticized the US military chief and praised Russian President Vladimir Putin as a better leader than Barack Obama. News of the bus.

In response to Trump's comments, Obama went out of his usual manner and said in a very bitter language, 'I do not think this man is qualified to be the president of the United States. This is proven every time this man speaks.'

Barack Obama said, 'I can tell you from discussions with the leaders of various countries over the last 8/9 days, this is a very important task. When you speak, you really need to know what you're talking about. You also need to prepare for it. When you speak, it must reflect ideas that you can actually implement.'

Donald Trump sparked a new controversy by commenting on Russian President Vladimir Putin as 'much better than Obama' in a televised interview on Wednesday.

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton were given 30 minutes each at the event in New York.

In response to a question that day, Trump said, "The president of Russia is a better leader than our president."

According to Donald Trump, Russian President Putin has extraordinary control over his country. Before this, Donald Trump was criticized for his comments about the Russian president.

It should be noted that Donald Trump, the Republican party candidate in the upcoming elections of the United States of America, has been facing extreme criticism with various statements from the beginning.

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