The Dhaka Times
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Even if you don't have two legs, you are the best swimmer!

The Dhaka Times Desk Qian Hongian and his family live in China. In 2000, he lost both legs in a road accident. Became the best swimmer without legs!


When he was only 4 years old. He then grew up in a rural environment in Yunnan Province, southwest China.

Although he has no legs, he slowly learns to walk on his hands. The reason is that the entire part below his waist was cut in that accident. He started playing with a basketball on his waist. In no time she became known as the 'Basketball Girl' in her area.

He was brought to public attention by the Chinese media in 2005. He was then brought to Beijing and arranged to have an artificial leg fitted. He also received free treatment at the Rehabilitation Research Center in China. This organization has been helping the disabled for the past 20 years.

But after getting his new prosthetic leg, he could no longer go to school. He joined the National Swimming Club and competed in handicap swimming.

At first learning to swim seems very difficult but later due to his hard work he overcomes all obstacles and moves forward. Despite his disability he just kept moving forward. Now he wants to win for his country.

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