The Dhaka Times
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Now you can charge your mobile phone with lemon! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk Mobile can run out of charge anytime. Even if there is a charger, charging is not possible if there is no electrical system. However, the discovery is that lemons can be used to charge mobile phones!


According to media reports, it is possible to charge a mobile phone with lemon or without electricity. Can it ever happen? Mobile phone can be charged with a little lemon leaf.

If this is true, then there is no point. That is, from now on, there will be no need to carry a charger, no need to go anywhere and look for a plug point. Just put a lemon leaf in the bag. Whenever you want, wherever you want, your mobile will be charged just by cutting a lemon.

Recently one such video went viral on YouTube. Not one, but multiple videos. In which it is claimed that mobile phone charging is possible with lemon leaves. However, we don't know if this is actually possible. But you can check if you want.

Watch that video

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