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'Solar paper' will reduce the problem of mobile charging!

This charger is named 'Solar Paper' as it is as thin as paper.

The Dhaka Times Desk Now thanks to technology, a new 'solar paper' has come which will reduce the problem of mobile charging! This is a new USB charger.

‘সোলার পেপার’ মোবাইল চার্জের সমস্যা কমাবে! 1

According to Mashable's news, a new USB charger called 'Solar Paper' has been brought by the technology company 'Yoke'.

This charger is named 'Solar Paper' as it is as thin as paper. It can also be carried folded inside a book. With this charger there will be no need to find a socket to charge the phone.

Being solar, it will receive energy from light. This 'solar paper' will work not only on phones, but also on devices that can be charged with a USB charger.

The manufacturer claims that 'Solar Paper' is lighter and more efficient than other solar chargers in the market. It takes only two hours to fully charge an iPhone.

Each panel with the charger can produce 2.5 watts of electricity. A 5 watt charger is required to charge an iPhone. However, two panels must be used to charge the iPhone. A 10 watt charger is required to charge the tablet. So 4 panels will be required.

Each panel of solar paper is perforated. That is why this newly invented 'solar paper' can be easily hung with the bag.

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