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Air travel anywhere in the world is free for life!

The Dhaka Times Desk The lucky baby born on a plane gets free air travel anywhere in the world for life! Libya's first-class airline announced in 'Burak Air'!


The incident may be in the minds of many. Suddenly, a woman started writhing in labor in mid-air. Everyone panicked. The flight attendants showed their presence of mind. A labor room was created inside the plane. Then a baby boy was born in the middle of the sky due to the diligence of the flight attendants, crew and fellow passengers.

One such incident happened on the way from the Libyan capital to Niamey in Niger. This incident was widely reported in the media.

This is what happened at Burak Air, the first airline in Libya. Later the child was named after the pilot of the plane. His name is Abdul Baset.

The photo of the newborn born inside the plane was also posted on the Facebook page of 'Burak Air'. With this 'Burak Air' informed that this newborn can travel anywhere in the world free of charge for life.

The airline operates flights to North Africa, Europe and Central Asia. Since 2011, Libya's air services to Egypt, Morocco, Syria, Bosnia, and Herzegovina have been completely suspended due to civil war.

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