The Dhaka Times
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What is the secret of Fakhrul Hasan Bairagi's disappearance?

The Dhaka Times Desk Popular actor Fakhrul Hasan Bairagi went missing suddenly. For a few days, the country's media and social media became active. He appeared again at the police station. What is the secret of his disappearance?


His elder son Samant Hasan Esha said that after dropping me to the college at approximately 9:20 am on August 7, my father parked the car at home and gave the keys to the doorman and went out. When the father leaves, he tells the doorman, 'Give your aunt the key'.

Since then he was missing and the matter was reported to the police. Then the country's media started writing about this. Suddenly he appeared at the Kalabagan police station and said that he was in hiding on his own for family reasons.

It is known that the actor went missing due to family quarrel and anger with his second wife Razia Hasan. After that he came to Kalabagan police station today and told that he was with his third wife for so long.


Bairagi admitted to the police on Monday today that he did not go into hiding. The wife of the second party left the house due to anger with Razia Hasan and went to the house of the second wife.

Bairagi said that although he had a husband-wife relationship with the woman for 20 years, they did not register their marriage. They also have a child at home. After being missing for 41 days, he appeared at the Kalabagan police station on September 19 at noon. Later, the police held a press conference and gave this information.

But critics do not see his disappearance as a general statement. If he really moved like this, he could have given the information by calling. Why didn't he do it? Giving information on mobile does not cause so much trouble. Or is there another story behind his hiding? This question is now in everyone's mind. But if the police investigate, the real secret may come out.

It should be noted that Fakhrul Hossain Bairagi married this Razia Hasan after the death of his first wife. She has two children in this house. On the other hand, there is a child in the house of the third wife.

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