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New Zealand sperm crisis!

The Dhaka Times Desk New Zealand has a serious sperm crisis. This problem has arisen since the new law on sperm donors in the country in 2004, according to the British newspaper Guardian.


According to reports, in 2004, the country implemented stricter regulations on sperm donation laws. In this Act, the obligation to provide paternity certificate is imposed after the child reaches the age of 18 in certain circumstances. Even the donor cannot accept any kind of money in return for services, said the law. Due to which sperm donation started decreasing in the country.

In New Zealand, gay couples and unmarried women are more likely to have children with sperm from clinics. These sperm clinics collect from different donors. In the country, sperm donors are only paid for traveling to and from the clinic. The clinic authorities do not bear any cost for physical examination or their timing.

Fertility Associates, the manager of New Zealand's largest fertility clinic. John Peake told the media that 80 families have enough sperm for fertility treatment. But the number of people applying for sperm is more than four times that.

Fertility Associates Dr. Mary Birdsall says, 'We've been hearing about New Zealand women going overseas for sperm. It is a very challenging situation now. Donors are very difficult to find now. It has become very difficult for women who are mentally and physically ready to have children to start a family life.'

He admits, 'The number of sperm donors in New Zealand has been declining for a long time.'

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