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The United States is reluctant to call Pakistan a terrorist state!

The Dhaka Times Desk The country's influential senator John McCain has assured that the bill to declare Pakistan a terrorist state in the US Congress will not be accepted!


According to media reports, Senator John McCain told this to Pakistan's former president Asif Ali Zardari. According to the news of Pakistani media Dawn, Zardari had these talks with Senator John on the phone. The issue of Indian campaign against Pakistan was also discussed between them.

Earlier, US lawyers Ted Poe and Dana Rohrabacher introduced the bill to declare Pakistan as a terrorist state. US Senator John McCain also recalled Pakistan's sacrifices in the war against terrorism with the US.

Zardari said that Pakistan itself is plagued by terrorist attacks. They never endorse these activities in any way. He also said that Pakistan is hoping for a peaceful solution to the Kashmir issue through discussion.

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