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Angelina Jolie rent house with children!

The Dhaka Times Desk Angelina Jolie is being criticized around the world. After the divorce case with her husband, where she is actually staying with her children has also come up in the discussion.


Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie with their children Where is Angelina Jolie with 6 children after 'separation' with Brad Pitt? The question came to everyone's mind. The matter was kept secret for a long time.

Recently, Angelina Jolie is living in a rented house in Malibu, California, Los Angeles with her children. He has to calculate about 95 thousand US dollars for the rent of that house every month!

Citing a source, Indian Express said, this world famous actress started living in the new rented house with her children from the second week of September. Due to lack of time, he has to rent the house in a hurry. That is why he has to pay attention to the safety of his children instead of the glitter of the house.

It should be noted that Angelina Jolie filed for divorce from her husband Brad Pitt on September 20. In the divorce petition filed with the court, Jolie said that she wants to keep her children with her. It is said that Brad will have the opportunity to meet them occasionally if he wishes. In the divorce petition, Jolie wrote that Brad always misbehaved with the children as one of the reasons for the separation. The FBI is investigating the matter.

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have 3 children of their own. They have adopted the remaining 3 people from different countries.

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