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Hero Bappi married secretly

The Dhaka Times Desk Dhallywood's popular hero Bappi has secretly got married. The bride is Srijaya Sarkar Tultuli of Bangladeshi origin, a permanent resident of Queens, New York.


Bappi attended an award ceremony in New York last month. There Bappi and Tultuli got their marriage registered through a lawyer from Jackson Heights, New York. Some close friends of the couple were also present during the wedding, according to media reports. According to the news, Bappi was in love with Tultuli for two years.

After going to America, Bappi has been spending all his spare time with Tultuli. Also, there are more rumors that Bappi has chosen a bride with American citizenship mainly to get citizenship to live permanently in America.

After marriage they both returned to Bangladesh on the same flight. After returning home, Tultuli was raised in Bappi's flat.

However, when Bappi was asked about this, he completely denied the matter to the media and said, 'I don't know anyone named Tultuli, marriage is far off. This is the first time I have heard his name.'

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