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The story of the world's largest anaconda!

The Dhaka Times Desk Recently, workers on a construction project in Brazil found a 33-foot-long anaconda in a cave in the state of Pará!


According to a BBC report, this anaconda is considered to be the longest snake in the world. According to the Guinness Book of Records, the world's largest snake in captivity is in an institution in Kansas, America. The length of this anaconda named Medusa is 25 feet 2 inches.

However, the length of this anacenda found in the Altamira cave in the northern Pará province of Brazil is not only 8 feet longer, but its weight is 63 stone, i.e. 378 kg.


According to Britain's daily Sun, the diameter of the thickest part of the Anaconda's body is about one meter!

It is known that the snake was found by workers during a controlled blast for construction work in the cave. The snake was lifted by a crane. A video was then posted on YouTube.

But this snake was found dead. Allegedly, the construction workers killed him. However, many believe that the anaconda may have been killed by a stone falling on its head due to the explosion, as the video shows its head being crushed.

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