The Dhaka Times
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Syed Shamsul Haque was laid to rest in Kurigram

The Dhaka Times Desk Sabyasachi writer Syed Shamsul Haque was laid to rest in his native Kurigram. His burial was completed in the afternoon.


According to the poet's last wish, he was buried on the south side of the mosque in Kurigram Government College.

At 3:50 pm, the helicopter carrying Syed Haque's body landed on the college grounds. Then the people from all walks of life including various political, social organizations, school-college teachers and students paid their respects on the pre-arranged stage.

After that, the last funeral of the deceased was held at 4:10 in the college grounds. His burial took place at Pone at 5 o'clock.

Cultural Affairs Minister Asaduzzaman Noor, Awami League Joint Secretary former LGRD State Minister Jahangir Kabir Nanak, Kurigram Zilla Parishad Administrator Md. Zafar Ali, Kurigram Municipality Mayor Abdul Jalil and local leaders were present.

It is to be noted that Sabyasachi writer and poet Syed Shamsul Haque passed away yesterday (Tuesday) afternoon at the United Hospital of the capital.

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