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20 pro-government fighters were killed in an airstrike thought to be IS

The Dhaka Times Desk At least 20 pro-government Sunni fighters have been killed in an air strike mistaken for Islamic State (IS) militants in Iraq.


According to a report by the BBC, tribal fighters in the town of Qaira, 37 miles south of the IS-controlled city of Mosul, were hit by airstrikes yesterday (Wednesday) after repelling an attack. Iraqi Agriculture Minister Falah Hassan Zaidan confirmed the attack.

However, it is not yet clear whether the Iraqi Air Force or US-led coalition aircraft carried out the attack. Because Iraq's second largest city, Mosul, has been under IS control since June 2014.

However, pro-government forces are planning a major operation to retake the city within a week.

Qaira was liberated from IS control in August. This is being considered as an important milestone in the progress in the Mosul rescue operation.

It is assumed from various sources that the US-led coalition is responsible for this attack. The coalition has been supporting Iraqi forces with airstrikes during ground operations.

A coalition spokesman, however, could not confirm whether any aircraft had actually flown over the area during the strike.

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