The Dhaka Times
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How did a 2-month-old baby get a full head of hair?

The Dhaka Times Desk The baby is only 2 months old. But 1/2-year-old child's head full of big hair! Now the question may come how the head full of hair?


Baby Junior Cox Noon is totally different from all other babies in the world. He was born with a full head of hair. Currently he is only 2 months old. But looking at the full head of hair, I don't know how old he is! His mother jokingly said that he has so much hair that people get busy when he goes out with him.


The child's mother said, when I went shopping with him, everyone showed great interest in him. Everyone was busy watching him for a while. This makes me a lot of trouble. It takes a few hours to complete the shopping with him. Sometimes I have to put a cap on his head and go out with him to avoid shock. No one can see her hair and there is no interest in her.

Junior has so much hair on his head that his hair does not dry normally. So after bathing her, she has to dry her hair using a hair dryer.

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