The Dhaka Times
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Saddam Hussein's palace converted into a museum

The Dhaka Times Desk Deposed Iraqi President Saddam Hussein built more than 70 palaces during his 24-year rule. His palace in Basra is now a museum.


The palace built in Basra is now a museum and has already been opened to the public.

The palace houses many artefacts of Iraq's rich history and heritage. The idea to turn Saddam's palace into a museum first came from Qahtan al-Obeid, director of the British Army and Museum Project in Basra.

The extensive renovation work that began there was entrusted to 27-year-old Mehdi Alusavi.


For the past 3 years, he supervised the washing, repair and lime works of the palace. This palace was used as a base for the British Army when they were stationed in Basra.

Insurgent groups in Iraq have repeatedly targeted the building, causing severe damage to the palace.


Mehdi Alusavi said, "When I was asked to take responsibility for this job, I was very hesitant. Because the blood of many innocent people is stuck in this palace.
"But the day the palace was opened to the public, I cried tears of joy," he said.

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