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Pakistan is the fourth most dangerous country in the world: Bangladesh is safer than India

The Dhaka Times Desk This time the name of Pakistan has emerged as the fourth most dangerous and unsafe country in the world. That is why the country's policy makers are quite embarrassed.


Pakistan has long been accused of supporting terrorism. However, this time the name of Pakistan as the fourth most dangerous and unsafe country in the world has come up and the Prime Minister of Pakistan Nawaz Sharif is in an embarrassing situation.

This information has emerged in a report of the World Economic Forum (WEF). Nigeria has been identified as the most unsafe country in the world. Finland tops the list as the safest country in the world.


Currently, Pakistan is plagued by terrorism. The country's army and military spy agency ISI have been accused of directly supporting terrorism. Recently, after the terrorist attack on the Uri army camp in Jammu-Kashmir, it was alleged that the militants had crossed the Line of Control with the help of the Pakistan Army and infiltrated from the Pakistan occupied Kashmir. India has been demanding to enter the occupied Kashmir and destroy the terrorist base.

On the other hand, other countries in the list of unsafe countries include Latin America, Africa, Asia and the Middle East. European countries are among the safest countries in the list.


Nigeria ranks as the most insecure country in the report. Many people have died in this African country due to the destruction of radical religious militant groups like Boko Haram.

The most unsafe country in the world, Pakistan's security rating point is 3.04, on the other hand, Finland's point as a safe country is 6.7. Bangladesh is in a better position than the neighboring country India with 4.43 points. And India's point is 3.82.

Note that this list has been made with 134 countries. In this list, the United States is at number 73. The position of United Kingdom is 63rd.

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