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Check out some of the signs of how you will make a lot of money!

The Dhaka Times Desk Almost everyone needs money to keep going. Check out some of the signs of how you will make a lot of money!


No one doubts that hard work and well-planned investments are the easiest way to earn money. But according to ancient scriptures and folk beliefs, one who may own a lot of money in the next few days may get some foreshadowing of money coming. What kind of signs or symptoms are they? Know it.

# Reverse Dressing:

The rule of thumb is to have the garment inside out, if you accidentally wear it inside out, you can have a lot of money in your hand in a few days.

# Seeing a golden colored snake:

If you see a golden snake in your dream, you can be sure that you will make money in the next few days.

# Coconut:

It is said that if one wakes up and sees a cracked coconut, then he will get money.

# Monkey:

If you see a monkey on your right side while walking somewhere, it can be a foreshadowing that you will become a big man.

# Dairy Products:

If you see milk or milk products (like ghee, butter, curd etc.) on waking up, then it is good for your financial life.

# Green grass field:

If you see a field covered with green grass in your dream, it is an early sign of your money gain.

# Cone:

Waking up to a conch sound or any other sweet sound will be good for your financial life.

# puppy:

If a puppy comes and takes shelter in your house on its own, then there is a chance of you making money.

# Cane:

If you see sugarcane on your way to work, consider it auspicious.

# Comet:

It is believed that if one makes a wish for money during Tarakhasa or Comet darshan, then that wish will be fulfilled within the next 30 days!

However, no scientific reason has been found for these words. However, many people follow them or assume that it is their own good if something like this happens.

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