The Dhaka Times
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The story of a salon that refunds children's haircuts!

The Dhaka Times Desk One might be surprised to hear that children's haircuts are refunded. But there is a strange condition for him - just read books while cutting hair! Only then you will get a discount of 2 dollars.


A salon chain called 'The Fuller Cut' in Ypsilanti, Michigan is currently offering this to children there. What is the reason for such a sudden offer? There is no reason. A 'discount offer' is the brainchild of hairdresser Ryan Griffin of 'The Fullercut Barbershop'. According to him, many children suffer from 'read out' problems in school. Moreover, if this habit is practiced even in old age, it has an impact on character development. Such reluctance to express oneself is strongly suppressed in many boys and girls.

Ryan claims that teachers at local schools have praised his salon's offerings. Not only the parents are happy with the 2 dollar discount, but the children's team is also happy! Because many times children are able to take this 2 dollar discount in their own pocket. This has created a trend among children to get this discount.

No child is allowed to read out the same chapter repeatedly, he said. All the time they have to 'read out' new chapters. And so 'The Fullercut Barbershop' has to expand its collection of books for children. Sometimes many children donate old books from their homes to this salon. This is not the end, if a small child is having difficulty in 'reading out', sitting next to him, older children are being shown how to read chapters out loud.

Parents are also happy with this innovative initiative of 'The Fuller Cut Barbershop'. Parents are now waiting in line with their children to get a haircut in this salon!

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