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Samsung chief apologized for the failure of Note 7!

The Dhaka Times Desk Dong-Jin Koh, head of Samsung's mobile division, has finally apologized for the loss caused to users by purchasing the Note 7.


Dong-Jin Koh, the head of the South Korean company Samsung, has been silent on such incidents of mobile phones for a long time. The company's flagship phone Note 7 is now dead. However, besides apologizing, he promised to restore the trust of customers.

According to information provided by the Korean Herald, Jin Koh expressed his disappointment with the Note 7 in a press conference. He bowed before the assembled media and vowed that at any cost they would find the exact cause of these battery explosions, so that consumers can safely trust Samsung's next phones.

Dong-Jin Koh has been with Samsung since 1984. But in 2007 he joined the mobile department of this company.

Note that the Korean company is taking back all the Note 7s sold after the battery explosion. The company is offering Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge instead.

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