The Dhaka Times
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Narendra Modi compared the Indian army with Israel!

The Dhaka Times Desk Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi compared his country's military to that of Israel. Narendra Modi made the comparison at a meeting in Himachal Pradesh on Tuesday.


In the speech given in Himachal, Modi said, 'There is a discussion going on all over the country today about the bravery of the Indian Army. I used to hear that Israel has done this kind of work. But the entire nation has learned that the Indian Army is second to none.'

According to BBC Bengal news, Modi's statement today is believed to be in view of India's recent claim that some militant camps have been destroyed by conducting 'surgical strikes' in Pakistan-administered Kashmir. Although he did not directly say anything about the 'surgical strike'.

Former Indian Army Chief General Shankar Roy Chowdhury said, 'It is inappropriate for me to comment on the Prime Minister's speech. But I can say that the Israeli army is much smaller than ours. Moreover, their army does not carry out operations like surgical strikes, which are done by the (spy agency) Mossad. What we did after the terrorist attack on the Uri base was an army operation. There is some difference between the two.

Regarding Narendra Modi's comments that the skill and valor of the Indian Army are being discussed across the country, General Shankar said, 'Such covert operations have taken place before, they were not disclosed. Maybe the secret was better. But now that this operation has become public, it is becoming a matter of practice. But that does not mean that our soldiers acquired this skill immediately.

It is to be noted that there is a war of words between the ruling BJP, Congress and several opposition parties regarding the 'surgical strike' carried out by Indian troops in Pakistan-ruled Kashmir.

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