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In Italy, the closure of the mosque protested by praying!

The Dhaka Times Desk Muslims have protested against the closing of mosques in Italy and not being allowed to pray anywhere else by offering Friday prayers near the Rome Coliseum.


Hundreds of Muslims in Italy participated in these protest prayers to protest illegal restrictions on freedom of religion.

After the administrative decision to close 5 mosques, the organizing organization announced this protest Friday near the 'Rome Coliseum'.

A few meters away from the ancient structure, Muslims spread mats and tarpaulins and offer Friday prayers. At that time many of them were seen holding placards with the words 'Peace' and 'Open the mosque'.

Italian Muslims believe that local authorities have closed these mosques because of the distrust created by recent terrorist attacks in Europe.

Bangladeshi Muslim group 'Dhumketu' organizes this programme. Organizers alleged that authorities had declared Muslim places of worship in Rome illegal, citing violations of building laws.

Muslim convert Francisco Thierry, coordinator of the Islamic group, said: 'We understand the finger being pointed at us. The authorities have no political will to recognize the peaceful community we are.'

On the other hand, in a statement confirming the closure of the mosque, the police said that the authorities will guarantee freedom of thought, but within the legal framework.

It should be noted that although Judaism and Mormonism are recognized by the state in Italy, there is no recognition of Islam. Because of that, Muslims from Africa and South Asia are being discriminated against on the basis of religion and caste.

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