The Dhaka Times
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Why is Narendra Modi vocal against triple talaq?

The Dhaka Times Desk After many debates, the triple talaq system prevalent in Indian Muslim society is also being debated. This time Prime Minister Narendra Modi criticized this method in a public meeting in Uttar Pradesh.


According to media reports, the Government of India and the Supreme Court have also opposed triple talaq. The country's law commission has started a process of public opinion verification on triple talaq.

However, the All India Personal Law Board, a powerful organization of Muslims in India, opposes government intervention in this matter.

Researcher Sabir Ahmed said, the debate on triple talaq is not among the large section of Muslims in India. He describes it as a very urban-centric activism. M: Ahmed thinks it is not everyone's voice.

However, Mr. Ahmed believes that there are political reasons behind Prime Minister Narendra Modi's speech on the issue of triple talaq. Uttar Pradesh state assembly elections in Bharat next year. Many believe that Narendra Modi spoke out against triple talaq to get votes for Muslim women in Uttar Pradesh.

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