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A couple of the Philippines killed 800 people!

The Dhaka Times Desk A couple named Shay and Sheila killed 800 of the 4,000 people killed so far! This incident is from the Philippines.


The president of the Philippines declared a war on drugs and said that he would kill 300,000 drug traffickers. The police or the army are not enough for that job, so they hired serial killers. One such murderous couple has been exposed in the national media of the Philippines. This couple named Shay and Sheila killed 800 of the 4,000 people killed so far!

The couple said in an interview that when the new president announced his fight against drugs, they would starve to death if they didn't get into the profession. So they were forced to kill people. At first he did this work alone. However, it was seen that he was having difficulty reaching some targets. So he forced his wife to go to work. Finally Sheila also entered this profession.

Sheila's job was to get intimate with many men and assist in the murder. They get 100 US dollars from the government for each murder. First, they had to collect pictures of the target from the team they worked for. If the work was completed within three days, the money would go from hand to hand. In this way, at least 800 people have been killed by them!

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