The Dhaka Times
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You can get unlimited free internet by playing five taka tea!

The Dhaka Times Desk One more step forward in the era of free with one. This time you can get unlimited free internet by playing five taka tea!


It's like a buy one get one free offer. You can use unlimited data for 30 minutes just by spending five rupees. A tea shop in India is offering such an incredible offer. That's why young people are flocking to that shop.

A novel such offer was launched by Saeed Khader Basha, a tea shop owner in the remote area of Siruguppa in Ballari district of Karnataka, India. Basically he has come up with such a novel idea to increase the business.

Saeed Khader Basha said, this 'data-tea' is now everyone's favourite. Earlier, maybe 100 cups of tea were sold every day. Now it has increased almost four times in one jump. Not only that, but now long lines form in front of his shop to have tea from morning.

Basha thinks that having free WiFi zones in big cities of the country is very common these days. But in a small town like Siruguppa, this facility is nowhere to be found. Moreover, the speed of the net is very low. Students who get too much monthly expenses of 100 rupees may not be able to recharge the net every month. But here you can use free data for half an hour with a cup of tea by spending five rupees. Which has a speed of approximately 1/2 Mbps. It also benefits many boys and girls. What approach has Basha taken to give free internet to so many people every day?

Basha bought a router for 3 thousand rupees. This 23-year-old smart tea seller recharged the unlimited data pack from the local cable operator for Tk 1,700 every month. Those who buy tea from his shop are given the WiFi password. This data can be used for free by logging in with this password. But this facility is given to each customer only for 30 minutes. This connection is automatically logged out after half an hour.

Due to poverty, Bashar was not educated after the 10th standard. That's why Syed Khader Basha wants to benefit the students in this novel way!

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