The Dhaka Times
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Driverless buses are now being launched in Singapore

The Dhaka Times Desk This is the first time that automated buses have been announced to run experimentally in Singapore. This driverless bus will run between a metro station and a university.


According to media reports, the university will develop two driverless buses under a recent agreement between Singapore's Land Transport Authority LTA and Nanyang Technological University's Energy Research Institute NTU.

One of these driverless buses can transport 80 passengers. The bus is equipped with sensors and automatic systems, with which the bus itself understands where to stop on the road, and where to continue, when the door opens and closes, even how to change the temperature inside the bus according to the weather, this bus itself will do it automatically!


The bus will end its journey from Singapore's Pioneer Rail Station via Cleantech Park to NTU.

The new driverless buses will also have a charging facility at the bus depot. Earlier in 2013, the university launched a driverless electric shuttle on the same route.

Lam Khin Yong, vice president of NTU, said in a statement, "The trend towards developing driverless cars is increasing day by day in the world, and our driverless bus project has the same goal. Due to which the road safety will increase, as well as pollution will be reduced and mistakes made by people will also be less likely.

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