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How harmful soft drinks for the human body?

The Dhaka Times Desk In this day and age, you can't live without soft drinks. From entertaining guests, soft drinks are essential at all times. But do we know how harmful soft drinks are for the human body?


It is known that if you keep a sip of cola in your mouth for an hour, your teeth will turn yellow. An hour after pouring coke to clean the toilet, you can see that it cleans more than regular toilet cleaner. Again, if you use coke to remove the rust from the battery, or if meat broth gets on the clothes, you will get relief from those stains. Not only that, if you put a tooth in a glass of coke, the tooth will not exist after a week.

An expert doctor made these comments about such a powerful soft drink. According to doctors, the colors that are mixed while preparing soft drinks are very harmful to the human body. The 'food additives' used to make the drink attractive are also quite harmful. Experts say, soft drink is not beneficial at all, it harms every organ of human body.


Soft drinks are generally used as a digestive aid with any 'rich food' or spicy food or regular ada. However, we do not keep track of how much we are ruining ourselves by drinking soft drinks without knowing or understanding. Experts say that soft drinks are not a useful food at all, rather soft drinks cause various diseases.

Doctors say a 500 gram bottle of soft drink contains 170 calories of soda and 15 teaspoons of sugar, which can seriously increase the risk of diseases such as loss of appetite, depression, heart attack, tooth decay and infertility. Not only that, the risk of liver cirrhosis, various types of complex lung diseases including asthma, weight gain, stomach cancer and even diabetes can increase many times due to consumption of soft drinks.

Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College and Hospital Associate Professor of Medicine Dr. Govinda Chandra Roy said, 'It may be right to quench the thirst temporarily by drinking soft drinks, it may be right to give temporary peace, but in the long run the reaction is very disastrous. Experts have opined that it is not healthy in any way. They said, the refined sugar used in soft drinks is very harmful to every organ of the human body.

Professor Dr. Govind Chandra Roy also said, 'There is a popular saying that soft drinks help digestion. However, the human body normally digests food at a temperature of 37 degrees Celsius. But when soft drink is consumed, its temperature is only 3 to 4 degrees Celsius. When it's taken right after a meal with a soft drink straight out of the fridge, far from helping digestion, it causes even more rot inside!'

Dr. According to Govind Chandra Roy, those with heart problems, high cholesterol, diabetics, overweight, should never drink soft drinks.

Meanwhile, taking the example of the Western world, Dr. preventive medicine expert. Lelin Chowdhury told the media, 'One of the reasons for the decline in western countries is this soft drink. This excess weight is one of the sources of all diseases in the human body. He also said, 'Soft drinks do not freeze like ice under any circumstances, so they use an ingredient called ethylene glycol, which is as harmful as arsenic!'

Terming ethylene as a poison, this expert said, 'People who consume large amounts of this type of drink have a threefold increase in the rate of kidney stone accumulation. Again, the saccharin used in these drinks is considered one of the causes of bladder cancer. So by no means soft drink is not a soft thing, every conscious person should avoid any kind of soft drink. Drinking soft drinks means knowingly drinking poison!'

In other words, if you want to drink soft drinks, you have to look at things. Then its harmful point will come to our attention.

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