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Parents are: Heroin push children to sleep!

The Dhaka Times Desk A parent has been found to be pushing heroin to lull their children to sleep. Such a thrilling incident happened in Washington, USA.


It is known that a couple there used to inject heroin to make their three children sleep.

Police said the couple, Ashley Hutt and Mac Leroy McIver, lived with their three children, ages 6, 4 and 2, in a home littered with rat droppings, injection drugs and heroin. A report filed by the investigating officer in court quoted the 6-year-old as saying that their parents used to push them through injections of pleasure drugs.

However, the couple has denied the allegations. However, their children have again admitted that they are addicted to heroin. The authorities removed the children from that house in November last year.

Police told The Washington Post that the children lived in squalid conditions. Apart from the heroin issue, there was no living environment there.

The 6-year-old child also said that they were injected with white powder mixed with water. Two children were tested positive for drugs and injection push marks.

The children's mother, Ashley Hutt, was recently arraigned on charges of child endangerment. This charge has also been brought against McLeroy McIver. The trial against them has started.

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