The Dhaka Times
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Even at the age of 80, 'youth': age is just a number for him!

The Dhaka Times Desk He does not have the word old in any dictionary. So even at the age of 80, he is now a fresh 'youth'. Now he has taken the internet world by storm as the hottest grandpa.


Today's story is from China's Wang Desun. Now she has become an 80-year-old successful model! He chose modeling as a career from last year. He has already overcome this world. Although she has modeling experience under her belt, she has never had such success before. He sees age only as a number. But in his heart he still thinks himself a young man of 20 years. When he walks the ramp, it's hard to believe he's 80. He is interested in modeling professionally, regardless of age.


Amazing body language and walking even at this age. Modeling photos of Wang, who has a strong waistline, have taken social networks by storm. He has shown that age is not a barrier to the mind.

This 80-year-old Chinese 'youth' always seems to think that nature determines age, but one can determine and control one's own mind. For those who consider themselves old, this 'eternal' Wang of China is a living example!

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