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Pakistan is doubling the capacity of nuclear weapons!

The Dhaka Times Desk Apart from enriching its nuclear arsenal, Pakistan is working to make some fighter jets including F-16 capable of carrying nuclear weapons, according to the latest report of the journal Bulletin of Atomic Scientists.


The report was written by Hans M. Christensen and Robert S. Norris after analyzing a large number of satellite images of Pakistan's army camps and air bases, as reported in the Times of India. The report was published last month in the journal Bulletin of Atomic Scientists.

According to the report of that journal published from the United States, Pakistan currently has 140 nuclear weapons (warheads) out of 130.

"Pakistan continues to enrich its nuclear arsenal by developing more nuclear weapons, developing launch systems and increasing factories producing 'fissile material'," the report added.

"According to our calculations, Pakistan now has 130-140 warheads in its nuclear arsenal, which exceeds even the US Defense Intelligence Agency's 1999 estimate," the report said. It was said by the agency that by 2020, Pakistan could have 60 to 80 warheads.”

It has been said that four nuclear reactors in Pakistan have increased their capacity and are producing uranium from there. Various launch systems are also being developed, which will add more weapons to the country's nuclear arsenal over the next 10 years, the report said.

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