The Dhaka Times
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Bubli's new film is titled 'Maa'

The Dhaka Times Desk Bubli's new film is called 'Maa'. Actress Bubli came into the limelight after making her debut in the films 'Basgiri' and 'Shooter' last Eid.


After the release of those two films, he got a lot of acceptance from the audience. That's why the audience is now waiting for his new movie. Meanwhile, actress Bubli has also been signed to act in the third film. Bubli's new film is called 'Maa'. The film will be produced by Kalam Kaiser.


The story of the film was already written. But now it has been changed quite a bit. Bubli said that the work of her third film 'Maa' will begin at the beginning of the new year. Shakib Khan will be the hero in this film as well.


Talking about her birthday, Bubli said, My parents used to celebrate my birthday very well since childhood. I remember being first in a dance competition as a child. After receiving the award from school, I got a gift from my father when I returned home. Because that day was my birthday. Getting so many gifts on the same day was a memorable event in life - expressed Bubli's attitude.

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