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The country that has the most deaths while taking selfies!

The Dhaka Times Desk Selfies are so entrenched in our society that fatal accidents often occur. Now there is news of a country where the most deaths occurred while taking selfies!


Nowadays, it has become a fashion to take pictures without looking at the place, time and place. It is also a deadly disease.

According to the survey, most of the people who died while taking selfies in the world in the last two years were Indians! Even compared to the death of all other countries around the world, the number is almost one and a half times!

The survey was conducted by Carnegie Mellon University, USA and Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, Delhi. According to that survey, 127 people have lost their lives while taking selfies worldwide since March 2014.

Out of these 127 people, this number is 76 in India. The study is titled — Me, Myself and My Killfie: Characterizing and Preventing Selfie Deaths. The trend of taking dangerous selfies to get more likes and comments on social media is increasing. It turns out that in 2015, more people died in shark attacks around the world than taking selfies! The name of Pakistan is on the second place in the list of people who lost their lives while taking a 'selfie'.

But the number of Pakistan is 9 people. America and Russia are in third and fourth place respectively. 8 and 6 people have died due to accidents while taking selfies in these countries respectively. The main aim of this study was to raise awareness against this deadly disease worldwide.

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