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The new iPhone will have a wireless charger

The Dhaka Times Desk Apple's new iPhone in 2017 (probably the iPhone 8) may include wireless charging technology.


KGI Securities analyst Ming-Chi Qu told Apple Insights that the 2017 iPhone model will support wireless charging. Pegatron, the exclusive supplier of wireless chargers, will be with it. Apple's smartwatch already supports wireless charging. However, it is not yet known whether the phone will have a wireless charging system or whether its accessories will have to be purchased separately.

Previously, Q said that 3 models of iPhone could come in 2017. These are – 5.1”-5.2” inch OLED, 4.7” TFT-LCD and 5.5” TFT-LCD. Each model may have a glass casing and wireless charging.

TFT-LCD is the technology currently used in iPhone screens and OLED will be the next generation screen technology. So that it will be possible to see the colors more accurately.

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