The Dhaka Times
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A child is slowly becoming a stone!

The Dhaka Times Desk Now such a child has been found, the child is slowly turning into stone! This child is from a remote area of Nepal.


When a woman named Noor Kumari gave birth to a boy, no abnormality was found in him. Like ten other mothers come home smiling with their children in their arms. But after 15 days, it is seen that the child's skin becomes hard and falls off like a shell. Again there is rapidly forming a hard black skin. And from then on the child begins to turn into stone.

That child's name is Ramesh Dorjee, currently 11 years old. This child is suffering from a rare skin disease and is turning to stone. Due to which the outer part of the skin has become rock hard with constant excruciating pain along with severe itching. Currently, his eyesight is impaired due to this skin disease. The child cannot even speak properly. His legs are broken so he can't walk alone. Ramesh looks so horrible that the other kids don't get along with him, so he doesn't have any friends.

Ramesh was born into a poor family in a remote area of Nepal. Treatment of this disease is very expensive. His parents have given up hope that this skin disease will not be cured for a long time. However, a British singer George Stone has come forward to help after seeing this video of Ramesh's rare skin disease on social media.

It is known that his treatment has started from Kathmandu. Many have helped Ramesh in this expensive treatment. Everyone hopes that one day Ramesh will lead a normal life again.

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