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It should not be done on Facebook at all

The Dhaka Times Desk We do many things on Facebook without realizing it. But when doing something, it should be done with thought.


Maintaining an online 'image' is also an important issue in the era of social media including Facebook-Twitter. Everyone should remember that if you write something contrary to Facebook chat or on your wall, you will have to pay for it yourself.

Learn what you can, or should, do on Facebook today.

# Do not give any information about yourself. You can give basic information like what you do or what city you live in on Facebook or Twitter. But remember in which department you work in which position, what is the office address or the exact address of the house - there is no need to give these at all.

# No matter how curious you are, never try to keep an eye on anyone. Because this nature will bring danger.

# Never lie about yourself. Many people say a little bit more to increase their popularity. If this habit is caught once, then your dignity will be destroyed.

# is also not worth fighting online. The reason is that no one's point of view can be changed by arguing. Instead, your quarrel can become the source of others' laughter. So under no circumstances should you get involved in online trouble. Even if the person with whom you have a dispute is someone close to you, it is better to settle it later face-to-face or over the telephone.

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