The Dhaka Times
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Musharraf Karim Madhuri's bodyguard! Why how?

The Dhaka Times Desk Bangladeshi actor Musharraf Karim is going to play the role of bodyguard of popular Bollywood actress Madhuri Dixit! Why how? find out


As unreal as it sounds, that's exactly what's going to happen, but not in reality, but in movies. Musharraf Karim has already finalized the role of bodyguard of this Bollywood actress.

It is known that such an event will happen in the movie 'Sitara' directed by Kolkata director Ashish Kumar Roy. This movie will be made from the story of writer Abul Bashar. The story of this film will mainly be about smuggling on the border of Bangladesh.

It is known that Madhuri Dixit is playing the title role of this 'Sitara' film. Madhuri Dixit liked the story of the movie so much that she signed the film because of it. Actor Kaushik Sen from Kolkata is playing the role of a political leader here. It has been informed that the shooting of 'Sitara' will start in the border area of Teestar next month.

Director Ashish Kumar Roy has already confirmed the casting of all the characters. Musharraf Karim has turned himself into a powerful actor by playing various roles in Bangladeshi television and films. What charisma this actor shows in the role of Madhuri Dixit's 'bodyguard' is something to watch.

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