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Donald Trump's security costs 8 million rupees daily!

The Dhaka Times Desk A shocking news. The security of the newly elected President of the United States of America, Donald Trump, is spent 8 million rupees daily!


According to media reports, the New York City Council has requested the federal government to allocate funds for the security of the newly elected President of the United States, Donald Trump. Two City Council members reportedly filed an online petition on Friday about the matter.

New York City Council Speaker Melissa Mark Viberito and member Dan Garodnik submitted the petition, according to media reports. It is said that the reason for this is that the New York authorities are spending 1 million dollars (8 crore rupees) daily on Trump's security. They claim that Trump's security is the responsibility of the federal government, not the city of New York.

The petition said to Trump, 'Deposit all the money spent on the security of you and your family members before and after the election, into the New York City fund. Soon you will be President of the United States.' There has been no comment from Trump or his party regarding this request. However, on Friday, about 500 supporters took a position in favor of this application!

It is known that the New York police are providing additional security to Trump and his family members after winning the November 8 election. Police have set up separate barricades at the luxury and skyscraper Trump Tower. Trump Tower is being used as the headquarters of Trump's transition team. Trump will take office on January 20.

According to New York City officials, Trump's daily security spending is $1 million, which will exceed $1 billion over the four years of Trump's administration.

It should be noted that earlier, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio informed the federal government about additional spending on Trump's security.

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